"Affirmative" – Yes.

"Back Door" – The area behind a vehicle. To say "I got your back door" means that someone is watching another's back. "Knocking at your back door" means approaching from behind.

"Brake check" – A brief traffic slowdown, where traffic flow improves after about a minute or two

"Breaker 1-9" – Telling other CB users that you'd like to start a transmission on a channel. May be succeeded by either the channel number, indicating that anyone may acknowledge ("One-nine" refers to channel 19, the most widely used among truck drivers), or by a specific "handle", which is requesting a particular individual to respond.

"Chicken coop" – A weigh station. "Locked up" / "clean" (ex: "the chicken coop is clean.") means the station is closed.

"Choke and Puke" – Roadside diner (After the poor quality of food at some establishments)

"Come Back" – A request for someone to acknowledge a transmitted message or reply to a question.

"Convoy" – A group of three or more truckers in a line, usually exceeding the speed limit.

"County Mountie" – a Sheriff's deputy car.

"Drop the hammer down" - Pressing the accelerator to full speed

"Ears" – CB radio (ex: "How bout ya JB, got ya ears on?")

"Evel Knievel" – cop on a motorcycle.

"Fender Bender" – A road traffic accident/crash

"Flip-flop" / "Flip-side" – The return leg of a trip. (ex: "Catch you on the flip-flop" means "I'll contact you again on the way back.")

"Front Door" – The leader of a convoy, or the area ahead of a vehicle.

"Good Buddy" – In the 1970s, this was the stereotypical term for friend on CB radio a fellow buddy of yours.

"Got your ears on?" – Asking the receiver if they are on the air and listening.

"Go-go juice" – fuel (usually diesel, since large trucks seldom run on gasoline.)

"Bubble Gum Machine" – refers to a popular style of rotating mirror light used by many state police and some other law enforcement agencies at the time, however the term can refer to any law enforcement vehicle. It looked somewhat like the round style of 'penny' gumball machines. It was basically a clear cylinder, like an upside down jar, with lights and a spinning mirror system inside. It was usually mounted on the center of the roof.

"Handle" – The nickname a CB user uses in CB transmissions. Other CB users will refer to the user by this nickname. To say "What's your handle?" is to ask another user for their CB nickname.

"Hard Ankle" - another way to say "Truck driver."

"I'm / We gone" – Indicates that one is finished transmitting and may not be listening to the conversation any longer, or may be traveling out of receiving range. Equivalent to "Signing off", "Out", or "Clear" in formalized radio voice procedure.

"Kojak with a Kodak" - a police officer with a radar gun.

"Negatory" – No

"Over and Out" – Phrase meaning the CB'er is stopping talking and either turning the CB off or going to another channel.

"Put the Hammer Down" / "Put the pedal to the metal" – Slang for flooring the accelerator.

"Reefer" – a refrigerated trailer, used for transporting foodstuffs and other perishable cargo.

"Rolling refinery"/"Portable Gas Station" – a tank truck carrying fuel.

"Seat Cover" – An attractive female passenger in a vehicle.

"Smokey" – a law officer. A "smokey report" is what CB users say when they have information on a law officer, such as location or current activities.

"Twenty" – See "10-20".

"10-4" – Affirmative. Can also be used to denote agreement ("That's a big 10-4.")

"10-100" (polite) – Taking a bathroom break, especially on the side of the road.

"10-200" – "Police needed at ..."

"10-20" (more often simply "20") – Denotes location, as in identifying one's location ("My 20 is on Main Street and First"), asking the receiver what their current location is ("What's your 20?"), or inquiring about the location of a third person ("OK, people, I need a 20 on Little Timmy and fast").
